The Institute of New Earth Energy Healers

The Workshop for the Seraphim Rose Pyramid System

The Workshop for the Seraphim Rose Pyramid System


“This System enables us to recover, correct and rebalance all aspects of our many faceted and multi-dimensional soul. The process generates Light and action from our quantum cellular level to our cosmic origins. It is a System that reunifies to complete and embody our one cohesive Soul, whole and harmonious.” Andalithar


“This System enables us to recover, correct and rebalance all aspects of our many faceted and multi-dimensional soul. The process generates Light and action from our quantum cellular level to our cosmic origins. It is a System that reunifies to complete and embody our one cohesive Soul, whole and harmonious.” Andalithar

The Seraphim Rose Pyramid System for Soul Realization and Full Embodiment, through this set of unique symbols, allows the recognition and healing of these multiple aspects of our multi-dimensional soul.

Each symbol in this new quantum meditation system is capable of addressing the specific needs of each person and the many fractals of their Soul, bringing coherency and illumination to all aspects of self to manifest in daily life.

This means that you have awakened the ability to recognize your full potential as a human being for your Ascension within the frequencies of the New Earth. Your perspective and outlook about yourself is evolving with greater understanding, awareness, and compassion. You are moving toward the frequency of Love and Joy.

During this workshop we will:

  • Explore the reasons for the gift of the System from Andromeda to all of humanity.
  • Receive the detailed workbook
  • Be part of the unified energy and consciousness of the group
  • Receive an individualized personal attunement from Andalithar and Seraph Mishaka through Liz Ann for your clear connection to these powerful Guides
  • Discuss the purpose and function of each symbol
  • Practice the meditation process with several tools.
  • You will feel the energy.

Investment $299  for the workshop
Investment $275 if you have purchased a book prior to the workshop

Additional information


Investment $299 for the workshop, Investment $275 if you have purchased a book prior to the workshop

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